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Szabó, J. Gergely
He was born in 1986 in Budapest, he graduated in 2011 from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, master in Graphic Arts.
Since 2003 he has taken part in several exhibition in Paris, in Vienna, in Transylvania, Hungary. The young etching artist's work connect the old, sophisticated graphic methods with current and imaginery motives.

Szabó, J. Gergely: A-b
20x15 cm etching on paper 2016

Szabó, J. Gergely: B-d
20x15 cm etching on paper 2016

Szabó, J. Gergely
Ismétlődő Tükröződések Kunyhója Ψ KÖRBEJÁRÓ GENEZIS Ξ című sorozatból 30 x 20 cm etching on paper 2014

Szabó, J. Gergely: A-b
20x15 cm etching on paper 2016
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