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Erdős, Mária Éva
fine artist
She finished Medgyessy Ferenc Secondary School of Arts, department of drawing in 2005, and later she graduated there as Painter and also as Applied Graphic Artist. She wove her childhood memories into her works, and she thought them over. She fill the objects with feelings to lift them to a new level. Please see the detailed curriculum vitae!
Please find the artist's homepage here.

Erdős, Mária Éva: I'm your mirror
50x70 cm oil on canvas 2016

Erdős Mária Éva:
Soul-breath - Fátyol plush 40x60 cm oil on canvas

Erdős Mária Éva:
Plushproject - cat 50 x 70 oil on canvas 2014

Erdős, Mária Éva: I'm your mirror
50x70 cm oil on canvas 2016
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